About me
I am an undergraduate at George Mason University pursuing a bachelor's degree in computer science. I have an extensive history of providing technical support and customer service for nearly a decade. In combination with my technical background, I create unique personal projects that demonstrate my skills and drive my passion for learning.
As a self-taught programmer with an interest in web development, I already have an abundance of experience across the spectrum of web development. One of the projects I am doing is a personal website because it allows me to explore more areas of web development. This project gives me the opportunity to show off what I have learned and integrate it into my portfolio.
Tech Stack
Familiar technologies used in previous jobs or to create projects.
Personal Projects
Web Development
The current website you're on! (and many more) I am developing to practice responsive design and UI/UX. I am self taught myself JavaScript, CSS, and more front end technologies to further enhance my knowledge in web development.
War Card Game
Using Xcode and Apple's iOS simulator I was able to create a war card game allowing a user to play against a computer. The user and the computer will battle against each other and compete for points.
Discord Leaderboard
An automated program that displays user's accumulated statistics, daily trends, total statistics gained, and the positions of each user in chronological order.
Find the Carrot
One of my first programs I wrote when I was learning JavaScript. The point of the game is to get to the carrot without falling in a hole.
Encryption & Decryption
A program I wrote in Python to start learning cryptography. Uses a complex algorithm to encrypt and decrypt Strings.
Twitter Bot
Utilized API to develop a script that sent out a message to members of our community whenever a Tweet was published.